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Juliet Tondowski was born to two theater actor parents (hence the name). They moved around the US and Europe until college where she studied Theater and Dance at Bennington College with a minor in drinking too much and making bad choices. In college, she created dance pieces on a large scale and had a hand in every part of her creations: lighting, sound, choreography, costumes and of course dancing.

She currently lives in Los Angeles where she works full time as an actor. Juliet can be seen on such shows as Life in Pieces, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Feud, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, I’m Dying Up Here, Hand of God and many more. In 2015 she created a web series called TMI Taxi on YouTube. During the pandemic, she created, wrote, directed, and starred in a 10 episode series called Zooming which can be found on YouTube and Instagram and was featured by We the Women Collective as a standout project in 2020. S

Juliet has a two-year-old son, Roger, who happens to be a dog. She also dances around a lot in spandex on Instagram between auditions. Oh! And she writes. Since she turned 6 years old she has been an expert in diary writing which means she knows the date of her first kiss, her parents divorce and that time she threw up in a toilet from drinking one shot of whiskey. She loves to write poetry, short stories and anything that expresses the truth of her human experience. Since childhood Juliet’s sole interest has been the pursuit of love.

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